Independant Research

During the Easter holidays I took 3 trips out in my free time to take a series of photographs linking to my Final Major Project theme. I went out on a walk during the day, and then went out in an evening. I also went to Dalton Zoo. I was unable to go to any art galleries or museums so I decided to get my own photographs of nature for my project. I aimed to get a variety of primary research images of mainly animals around where I live, however some of my image include people also.


Day walk up Brant Fell, Windermere

I went on a walk around where I live during one day and captured these images. I had the intention to focus on wildlife however my cousin features in one of the images. All of them were focussing on features and senses of the subject. The image of the dog was a profile shot so it contains all his senses. The following image of my cousin, I aimed to capture his eyes, unfortunately I didn’t have the appropriate lens on to get detail of his eyes, however the shallow depth of field assisted enough to emphasis his facial features, especially his eyes. The group of 3 images beneath that were really lucky shots I managed to get of a young bird perched on the other side of a wall.



Evening Trip

On the evening walk I went on, again I went around where I lived however further towards some farm land and then down towards the lake. I didn’t come across much wildlife except some horses and a duck. As I was on my own I wasn’t able to do a shoot using another person. The horse shots (especially the second one) show facial their structures and I really like how strong and grafted the second horse looks. I also got a photo of a duck, which as the light began to fade, I began to struggle getting close up images in focus so I didn’t get to look much into the ducks features whilst I was there.



Dalton Zoo

My final day out I had was at Dalton Zoo, where I clearly aimed to capture images of animals out and their features and senses. The image of a Lemur I would like to use and maybe draw from as the eyes are captivating to me and represent the sense of eye sight. The parrot facing away from the camera shows their protective layer of their own body, feathers. The parrots claws represent their features which assist with hunting and breaking into food. The up close detailed image of a parrots eye and beak show deterioration and damage to senses and features as they do their job over time. The Emus head is odd to me, as they have no ears that stick out. This images shows me how different organisms adapt and alter their bodies dependant on their environmental factors. The final image of the giraffe simply shows the facial structure of a giraffe, as well as the size of their features in proportion to their face such as their large eyes and ears which are all linked to helping blood pressure to work through their long necks.



Here are some additional images that I have taken before I began this project, however they all link to my theme and I thought I may be able to use them in this project, or use them for inspiration. I chose the 2 images of my pets as they feature eyes and whiskers, these link to my project as they are features and senses of the animals.


I then chose this image to use as possible inspiration as I find this image rises questions about perspective. Our senses and functions work the same all the time, and this image begins to challenge the sense of sight and shows how it can be altered or distorted by environmental factors such as this glass ball.


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